Sunday 14 November 2010

Enterprise 2.0 and Cynefin

In the previous post, Cynefin, Knowledge Spirals and Bonfires, I discussed the use of the Cynefin framework to describe how knowledge is built. At that stage we saw how knowledge building can be seen as a flow/spiral around the chaotic, complex and knowable domains with the ability at some point to transfer/publish learning's into the known domain. In this post I will consider the different requirements of each domain and show how different tools from the Enterprise 2.0 tools set align to the various domains.
For the purposes of this discussion will consider the properties and requirements of four domains:
  • Chaotic - In this domain the relationship between data/information/knowledge fragments is unknowable. When working in this domain the only response is to act and impose order.
  • Complex - In this domain the relationship between data/information/knowledge fragments is ambiguous. We believe a relationship exists but have yet to understand it. When working in this domain we are looking for insights/patterns and are exploring ways to combine these fragments. Out of this activity emerge new hypothesis which are bounced around an informal network of trusted collaborators.
  • Knowable - In this domain the relationship between data/information/knowledge fragments can be understood by experts. We have the "bones of an idea" and are working to flesh the idea out. When working in this domain we see formal collaborations between experts taking place.
  • Known - In this domain the relationship between data/information/knowledge fragments is fully comprehended and lack ambiguity. The idea is fully formed and tested and is presented in a formally structured fashion for consumption by non-experts.
Having described the attributes of the four domains we are now in a position to align these requirements against the different tools contained in the Enterprise 2.0 tool kit:

  • Requirement - Identify sets of data/information/knowledge fragments
  • Tool - Search
  • Requirement - Combine and explore data/information/knowledge fragments
  • Tools - Mash-up capabilities
  • Requirement - Informal collaboration
  • Tools - Personal Blog, Microblogging, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, RSS reader
  • Requirement - Aggregate and share data/information/knowledge fragments across a multidisciplinary team
  • Tools - Team Wiki, Team Blog, Social Bookmarking, RSS reader
  • Requirement - Coordinate team activities
  • Tools - GTDware
  • Requirement -Publish formal structure content
  • Tools - Corporate Wiki, Podcast/Vodcast/Slidecast, Social Bookmarking, RSS reader
Having aligned the various Enterprise 2.0 tools with the four domains we now have a clear contextual appreciation of which aspect of knowledge building each tool support and how different combinations synergise. Essentially we now have a roadmap for implementation of Enterprise 2.0 tools in support of knowledge building and can use this to i) prioritise which tools we want to deploy and ii) provide clear context to users as to what processes these tools support and how we expect them to be used together.

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